>>>>>Greece in 12 Minutes<<<<<<

Thanks so much for Dimitris mimaros channel for sharing this post.

Greece> Greece is a country in south eastern Europe consisting of 2 main land
and thousands of Islands throughout the Aegean and lenian seas.  Greece reta-
ins ancient landmarks including 5th century Acropolis citadel and Panthenon
temple.  Greece is also known for its Islands like Santorini, Mykonos, Crete.

Any one can't see and describe Greece in 12 minutes is not just enough this
video show the most beautiful places of Greece in 12 minutes, in a panoramic
cinerama like vision are most beautiful and amazed spellbound breathtaking
scenes of Greece in an aerial view tour around the Greece in 12 minutes.

The Greece country known for rich history, culture, civilization, food, lot of 
historical site and lot of natural beautiful places and many beauty Islands
impressed films like this would promote Travel and Tourism for people to see
such wonderful places.  This one country having many beautiful tourist desti-
nation and many Islands located these both phenomena you can see altogther
in one country that's no other than Greece.

Important highlight in this video is you can see Waterfalls @ 8.32, and you can
take glimpse of instant Rainbow @ 9.02. 

This is great tour video of Greece having music which enhances beauty view for 
your eyes beautiful music for your ears.


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