Iconic Songs in AI Cover - playlist

AI artificial intelligence is the simulation of human intelligence

process by machines, especially computer systems but how about

creating the most beautiful amazing art like "music" is it not a

impersonation of machines to create voice and lyrics but yes it

can be done with new technology in passage of time herald new 

things like artificial intelligence innovation in music industry in 


Here are some of the Iconic songs given in [AI Cover]

The Beatles - Now And Then

Probably presumed last song of the Beatles rock band

John Lennon - Imagine 

Johnny Cash - Barbie girl [AI Cover/generated]

Original song by Taylor Swift

Elvis Presley - My Heart Will Go On [AI Cover/ generated]

Elvis remember always for his Rock n' roll music legend imm-
ortal forever. 

Celine Dion - My Heart Will Go On[Original song of Titanic movie]

Eye Of The Tiger - Michael Jackson [AI Cover/ generated]

Survivor - Eye Of The Tiger [Original song]

Frank Sinatra bot sings Toxic by Britney Spears, AI generated

Britney Spears - Toxic

AC/DC - Thunderstruck but it's Cyberpunk/synthwave/ Elect-

ronic - Rock

Knight Rider Theme [Stealth remix] in this remix song you can 

see lot of digital gimmick with artificial intelligence generated 

[synthwave music]

Kanye West - Summertime Sadness AI Cover/generated song

Original song Summertime Sadness sung by Lana Del Rey - Live

So, thus AI technology generated music seems wild and futile.

So, we're left with uncertain future.  As "Paul McCartney" said

So there's a good side to it and then a scary side, and we'll 

just have to see where that leads.



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