The Highwaymen Live in Las Vegas

Here's concert video of "The Highwaymen live in Las Vegas 1991[US]

The whole Highway concert at the "Mirage in Las Vegas" performed by the pioneer country music artist> Willie Nelson, Waylon Jennings, Johnny cash and
Kris Kristoferrson. This concert having several beautiful country music tracks
which is sung these four awesome country musicians the favourite tracks are:
Sunday morning, Their friendship, Histroy, Singlemindedness, these country songs are very wonderfully fabulous because songs rich folk meanings some of
songs written by singer and songwriter "Willie Nelson" a popular country music
artist very talented and awesome singer 'given' " message about music always
reach beyond boundaries langauage and culture and everyone should listen and
enjoy every music anywhere".  He has given such beautiful message about music which will cherish a very long time in music fraternity all over the places.

The Highwaymen live in Las Vegas

Inspirational Sunday Show

The Track list: 
1 Highwayman
2 Mama don't let your babies grow up to be cowboys
3 Wrong 
4 Folsom prison blues ***** 
5 Blue eyes crying in the rain 
6 Help me make through the night 
7 Sunday morning coming down***** 
8 Good hearted woman
9 Still is still moving to me
10 Ring of fire 
11 Amanda 
12 The best of all possible worlds 
13 Always on my mind 
14 Me and Bobby Mc Gee>by Kris Kristofferson's song was popular in India****
15 Trouble man
16 Get rhythm 
17 Johnny Lobo
18 Ten with a two 
19 Ragged old Flag *****
20 Are you sure make done this way?
21 Night life 
22 Ghost riders 
23 The kings is gone [so you are]
24 Big river
25 A Boy named Sue
26 Why me Lord 
27 Luken bach, Texas
28 On the road again*****

It's unfortunate loss of Waylon Jennings and Johnny Cash leaving Willie and Kris
are surviving members. 


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