Sturgis Bike Rally Legendary Baffalo Chips & Beyond

 Sturgis Bike Rally Legendary Buffalo Chips & Beyond

In this adventure episode driving through Colorado Wyoming

up into south Dakota's beautiful Black hills and to get the tickets

attend the concert there and to stay at the Sturgis Buffalo chip-

campground.  There is a musical performance and to watch the

bike stunts by bikers.

This Sturgis Bike Rally you can see beautiful big bikes Harley

davidson bikes and beautiful women with assorted wears and

to listen few songs in this event.

2 songs: Pool Boys by The Bar brothers/ Potato Deal by Craig 


You can also listen this song

My Cup is Nearly Empty - David Jack Marshall 

Nice and fantastic song with lyrics.

This amazing song by Chris Rea

Chris Rea The Road to Hell

This song sung by Chris Rea which is pleasant and refreshing

song to listen the unique grating voice of Chris.

Fuzzrider Dusk Till Dawn

Fuzzrider Dusk till Dawn song with brilliant guitar and groove sound

she rocked the stage in a Dracula fashion.

Dire Straits - Six Blade Knife

amazing sound by Mark's six blade guitar, whatta song by Mark Knopfler

Harley Davidson & The Marlboro Man - Bon Jovi Wanted dead or alive

One of the best song sung by Bon Jovi.

Soundtrack Jimmy Cornett - Mitder Harley durch Nevada

This Jimmy Cornett song "Road to Heaven" is like once a biker always

a biker like Angeles of heaven.

Credence Clearwater Revival I Heard it through The Grapewine

Leading vocal singer John Fogerty sang song, now defunct band.


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