*****Time Lapse Goodmorning Quotes*****

Goodmorning Everybody On Saturday

Today' new video about "Time Lapse Goodmorning Quotes given by Super
Seancurtis Channel Thanks for the Posting.

This is amazing "Time Lapse video view and some of favorite quotes by
popular historical personalities.

Some of the Quotes are:
"Discovery consists of seeing what has seen,
 and thinking what nobody else has thought."
 by> Jonathan Swift.

"A life has spent making mistakes is no more honourable,
 but more useful than a life spent doing nothing."
 by> Geroge Barnard Shaw.

"Be the change that you want to see in the world".
  by> Mohandas [Mahatma] Gandhi.

"Action is the real measure of intelligence."
 by> Napoleon Hill

"By the three method we may learn wisdom:
 First by reflection, which is noble;
 Second, by imitation, which is easiest;
 Third, by experience, which is the bitterest.
 by> Confucius.

"Fiction reveals truths that reality obscures."
 by> Jessamyn West.

"A man paints with Brains and not with his hands."
 by> Michelangelo.

"A Bird doesn't sing because it has answer,
 it sings because it has song."
 by> Lou Holtz.

"Share love, laugh and enjoy all company
 for everything and every moment count."
 by> Sean Curtis.

I hope this helps to inspire to have wonderful day.         Happy Saturday Folks


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