MINI BIO - ERNEST HEMINGWAY

                                          "  THE BEST WAY TO FIND OUT IF CAN TRUST
                                             SOMEBODY IS TO TRUST THEM".
                                             By = Ernest Hemingway.
                                ERNEST HEMINGWAY LIFE IN BREIF

Moral line of quote = The best ways to find you can trust somebody is to trust them
with a belief that he or she is full of trustworthy person.                                                        

ERNEST HEMINGWAY'S LIFE IN BRIEF = Ernest Hemingway was born on July,
1899, in Ciero Illinois.  Clarence and Grace Hemingway raised their son in this
conservative suburb of Chicago, but the family also spent a great deal of time in
northern Michigan, where they had a cabin it was there that the future sportsman
learned to hunt fish and appreciate the outdoors.

In 1918 Hemingway went overseas to serve in Worldwar 1 as an ambulance driver
in the Italian Army for his service, he was awarded the Italian Silver medal of
Bravery, but soon sustained injuries that landed him in hospital.  In 1925, the Heming-
way joining a group of British and American expatriates, took a trip to the the festival
that would later provided the basis of Hemingways first novel, The son also rises.
The novel is widely considered Hemingways great work, artfully examining the post
war dissillusionment of his generation..

He was renowned for novels like The sun also rises, A farewell to Arms, For whom
the bell tolls, and The old man and sea, which won the 1953 Pulitzer.  In 1954, it won
the Noble Prize.  Hemingway left behind an impressive body of work an iconic style
that still influences today.


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