Inspiratonal Thought Of The Day

                              "  WE ARE WHAT  WE REPEATEDLY DO, 
                                  EXCELLENCE, THEN, IS NOT AN ACT,
                                  BUT A HABIT ".
                                  BY = ARISTOTLE.
                             ARISTOTLE LIFE IN BRIEF.

MORAL LINE OF QUOTE = We became what we repeatedly work every
day in our life.  Then latter we achieve excellence in our profession.  This
clearly is not an act, but a habit of daily practice.

 ARISTOTLE LIFE IN BRIEF = Ancient Greek Philospher Aristotle was
born Circ 384 B.C. in Stagira, Greece.  In 338 B.C. he began tutoring
Alexander the great.  In 335 B.C. Aristotle founded his own School, the
Lyceum, in Athens, where he spent most of the rest of his life studying,
teaching and writing.

One of the main focuses of Aristotle's Philosophy was his concept of logic
and universal process of reasoning.  Aristotle wrote an estimated 200
works, major writings on logic include categories, on interpretation, prior
analytics and posterior analytics.  In them he discuses his system for
reasoning and for developing sound arguments.

Aristotle died in 322 B.C. after he left Athens and fled to Chalics to escape
prosecution under charges of impiety.


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