You Tube Multiplier

You Tube Multiplier is a  fun web service that lets you create a mash up
of your favourite You Tube videos.  Here, you can have up to eight vid-
eos playing simultaneously - or one after the other-on a single screen.
Al you have to do is copy-paste the You Tube video links into the "You
Tube URL." fields choose a display format [side-by-side or as a grid],
give your creation a title, and click the preview button.  You can also specify a start time and the volume level for each video link you provi-
de.  If you are happy with the preview, the click and "save and make public" to publish it on YM.  The final output includes playback controls
that let you play, pause and mute al videos at once.  You can share your
mix on social media and also browse popular mashups saved on YM.
Source> The Times of india. 


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