Crossing the Brahmaputra by US Fisherman

The"Brahmaputra" is a vast boundary river and one of the major rivers of Asia.
It flows across Southern Tibet [China] to break through Himalayas in great 
gorges and into Arunachal Prades [India] after it flows southwest through the 
Asian Valley and to south through Bangladesh and into the vast Ganges Delta,
and finaly it is know as Meghna river before emptying into the Bay of Bengal.

This river often called "Tsang Po-Brahmaputra River".

The lowerreaches are sacred to Hindus, while most rivers on the Indian sub-
continent have female names, this has a rare male name, as it means "Son of
Brahma" in Sanskrit[Putra means "Son"].

Here's an interesting story unfolds of a fisherman from USA travel and cross the
Brahmaputra river. Crossing the Brahmaputra river by a US fisherman named
Joseph Jacobs.

Brahmaputra part 1

Thus the adventurous travel journey to cross the Brahmaputra river by US Fish-
erman named Joseph Jacobs: is a narrator and hosted this video as well.

Joseph Jacobs: says Always in adventurous travel departure and arrival never
about getting there but at this moment we are in very narrow and dangerous
and winding road only room for one car and to pass another one must follow
the other.

Assam famous for it's landscapes and natural beauty.  One of it's greatest con-
tributions is from the tea garden gardens of Assam the largest Tea growing 
region in the world. The Tata tea company and Indian, British tea companies 
operating from this region. 

@ 4.05 It is a rugged, rough travel on a wet mud road.
@ 5.00 It's beautiful sunset view on Brahmaputra river.[first glimpse of river]
@ 6.12 Bogiheel ghat is a major ferry point.
@ 7.30 Joseph Jacobs checked into a hotel.
@10.16 Time for hot tea for Joseph
@12.46 Joseph remembers about his fishing days may be his happy memories.
@13.50 He's fishing in Brahmaputra river.
@14.45 Finally the ferry boat arrived.
@17.25 Tata Victa Jeep loaded on to ferry boat 
@20.20 Ferry boat departed to sail and cross the mighty Brahmaputra river.
@23.12 Hot tea and cake served for Joseph
@25.05 Arrival at the south bank of Bogiheel ghat.
@31.00 Joseph's Tata Victa Jeep off load from the ferry boat.
@32.15 Joseph travelled the back roads of NE India with this driver and Jeep
            nearly for a month.
@34.35 Tata rig stuck in by side of the rough road.
@35.50 Elephant gesture friendly greeting for Joseph.
@39.55 He's showing [Matchbox] what 1 ruppe can buy, instantly guessing 
            about inflation.
@41.30 Local guys carrying goods on their backs.
@44.45 Joseph became friendly with copassenger gave his visiting card to him.
@49.50 Journey ends here Joseph says 2nd part is coming up.


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