Google's Smart Lens To Detect Diabetes
Tech Co To Work With Novartis To Make Lens That Measures
User's Sugar Levels
Goodmorning Everybody On Friday
Beauty might lie in the eye of the beholder, but if Google has its way, so
will medical diagnostics. In the first step towards designing miniature tech-
nology products that can monitor body functions Google has joined forces
with pharmaceutical giant Novartis to advance the Silicon Valey giant's work
on "smart" contact lenses that can measure the wearer's blood sugar levels,
a basic for people with diabetes.==TOI
New smart goggles to let pilots see through fog
In some good news for piolts, new smart goggles been developed that
can help them in smooth landing and take off in adverse weather condition
The goggles known as skylens have been created by an Israeli company
and can provide pilots with a better view of their surroundings. The
goggles are fed video by multi-special cameras embedded in the plane's
nose, providing clear, wrap-around images of the terrain, "New Scientist"
reported, it displays information such as attitude, speed and an artificial
horizon to help the pilot keep the aircraft level. A depth-sensing camera
on the instrument panel tracks head motion. The haedset works with an
aircraf's other on-board systems to monitor the positions of nearby air-
craft from their radar signals.==TOI
Happy Inspiration FRIDAY Folks.
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