Riders on the Storm - The Doors HD

Jim Morrison> was an America Singer Songwriter and Poet and lead singer of the "The Doors" Rock Band.

Riders on the Storm is a song from their 1971 Album L. A. Woman.  

According to band members Rubby Krieger it was inspired by the song "[Ghost]
Riders in the sky: A Cowboy Legend" also Jim Morrison mentions spree killer Billy Cook, in passing during at least on interview, Cook killed six people, includ-
ing a young family while hitchhiking to California, in all likelihood.  The Cook
murders were for the song's lyric: "There's a killer on the road/ His brain is squirming like a toad ..... if you give this man a ride/ Sweet family will die.

"Riders on the Storm" is played in the E Dorian Mode and incorporates record-
ings of Rain and thunder along with Ray Manzerek's Fender Rhodes Electric 
Piano playing which emulates the sound of Rain.

The song was recorded at the Doors workshop in December 1970 with the assi-
stance of Bruce Botnick their longtime engineer who was co-producing the re-
cord sessions.  Jim Morrison recorded his main vocals and then whipered the ly-
rics over them to crate the echo effect, this was the last song recorded by the
members of The Doors, according to Manzerek, as well as Morrison's last recor-
ded song to be released in his lifetime.  The single was released in 1971, short-
ly before Morrison's death entering the Billboard Hot 100 on 3 July 1971 the day
that Morrison died.  Source> Wikipedia.

Jim Morrison>was a Poet and he's capable in performing in natural and poetic

        ~~~~~Riders on the Storm - The Doors HD~~~~~

Riders on the Storm - The Doors Extended Remastered Version

Here's another version of the same song

The message of the song is> Beware, never ever think a ride with

The Doors - Riders on the Storm [432 Hz] song is converted from
440 hz to 432 hz sounds fuller and nicer listening experience on
the ear with fresh life of melody.

Now listen the song "The Doors Riders on the Storm [432 Hz] for an
unforgettable experience.




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